The school employs a registered, certified school nurse through the State of Ohio, Department of Education. The nurse is available for first aid and emergency care for a student whose illness or injury occurs on the school grounds during the school day. The nurse and staff will attempt to assess the child as accurately as possible and notify parents when further evaluation or observation is recommended. For accidents or illnesses that occur at home parents should consult their family physician. Students with injuries or conditions that limit activity or participation in any school function must have a note from the doctor detailing the child’s activity limitations. A registered nurse cannot diagnose disease; medication cannot be administered without a written statement signed by both a parent or guardian and physician. The best way to keep a student healthy throughout the school year is to encourage frequent hand washing, healthy eating, exercise, and rest habits.

Contact the nurse anytime to communicate about your child's health or illness-related issues that may impact their school day. Information will be kept confidential upon request. Messages left per voicemail are confidential but may only be retrieved when the nurse is physically at the school. Healthy children are successful learners!

Megan Farwick, RN
T: (614) 291-8601 ext. 106
F: (614) 291-7411

  • Any student needing to take medication during school hours MUST have a signed Medication Authorization Form from the parent or guardian AND a properly completed physician's statement. The medication will be held in the nurse’s office until such time that it is to be administered. Regardless of their age, students may not keep any medications with them and may not self-administer without supervision. School personnel may not give over-the-counter medications unless prescribed by a doctor.

    No verbal orders can be taken. Any changes in medication must also be in writing from a physician. All medication must be in the container in which it was dispensed by the prescribing physician or licensed pharmacist. All Medication Authorization Forms can be found on our Forms page. For more detailed information regarding medication, follow the link at the bottom of the page.

  • If your child seems to be developing symptoms of an illness, for your child's well-being and that of others, keep your child home. Do not send ill children to school. Your child should be able to eat a regular diet, adequately hydrate, and be feeling well enough to participate in the full academic program. For younger students in particular, waking during the night due to a cough or other signs of illness may be an indication that your child needs to stay home and rest.

    If you take your child to the doctor, provide a note to the nurse stating that your child is well enough to return to school including the diagnosis made by the Health care provider (for example, strep throat or pink eye).

    If antibiotics are prescribed keep your child home until 24 hours after the first dose of the medicine. A written statement/prescription from a healthcare provider is required for school staff to administer ANY medicine at school.

    When to keep your child home:

    -If your child has a fever, he/she may not return to school until the fever is gone for 24 hours without fever lowering medication

    -If your child has been ill with vomiting or diarrhea, he/she may not return to school until 24 hours after the last episode of vomiting or diarrhea

    -Shortness of breath or wheezing during normal activity

    -Cough that interrupts normal activity

    -Pain from earache, sore throat, or recent injury

    -Yellow or green drainage from eye(s)

    -Rash or draining sores

  • Parents are responsible for notifying the school nurse and teacher of any life threatening food allergy on or before the first day of each school year or as soon as the allergy is diagnosed. Each school year a “food allergy action plan” will be completed by the student’s parent and physician. Parents will provide the school with any medications prescribed and a supply of “safe snacks” for use by their child. Parents of children with life threatening food allergies are responsible for notifying bus transportation providers.

  • You can view the full breakdown of different health topics here.